Harvest 2019
IHartHarvest, Inc. – The Potato Project - In 2019
What Happened From The Field in 2019
Summation of fresh grown produce numbers in 2019 Harvests, all donated to local hungry neighbors in need:
SWEET CORN: 6,168 Pounds,
CARROTS: 5,056 Pounds,
POTATOES: 58,304 Pounds,
69,528 Pounds Total
Wet weather conditions stifled the potato and carrot crops this year. Overall the harvest season is considered as our most challenged ever.
We reached a calculated 11,660 families, being 29,150 souls in the region with that circulated harvest in 2019. (Inclusive for Sweet Corn & Carrots)
This harvest being valued at: $52,841.28 @ $.76/pound.
Harvest of Field Corn and Soybeans help start the 2020 Budget Season which is our 12th year of charitable operations.
138 volunteers came in April to help cut Seed Potatoes for the 2019 Planting Season, 50 were Air Products Session.
494 volunteers came to help with Harvest for Sweet Corn in July/August, through Carrots & Potatoes in Fall. 123 volunteers were in the Alvernia Session alone last Fall.
Well Done Everyone !
Kennebec Seed Potatoes were provided by Ed Shenk of Weaver's Ace Hardware Fleetwood! Please frequent WEAVER'S!
Fertilizer for the potatoes was provided by Albright's Mill, Gary Wessner & Family, Kempton! Please frequent ALBRIGHT'S!