Vegetable Project
Proposal: The Vegetable Project is a food diversification project planting & growing a cross section of vegetables which ripen throughout the season: Broccoli, Cabbage, Peppers, Tomatoes, Brussels Sprouts, Cauliflower, Cucumbers, Zucchini, Squash, Watermelon, Cantaloupe, and sundry crops in suitable quantity for distribution to hungry neighbors in need. The Vegetable Project needs plastic much lifter and winder implements, as well as the transplanter and plastic mulch layer. We had a Transplanted and Mulch layer, but have left them go due to the lack of dedicated and available volunteers. This project relies on the Greenhouse Project for ample cost effective plant supply.
1. Needs 1 person to be the Head of the VegP, to work this operation, under the umbrella of IHH finances as available. Minimum of 1-2 additional assistants on an as-needed basis.
We tried in 2018. Problems encountered: 1. Could not get a local grower to dedicate plant startups from their greenhouse in the quantity we required. 2. Could not acquire plant startups from regional greenhouse grower at an affordable cost with SHI. 2a. No facility to house and protect any received startup plants. 3. Could not generate volunteers to assist. Ergo, the Greenhouse Project would be the primary solution, ahead of the VP. Volunteer issue would continue to exist. -/WaltZ
See the: Greenhouse Project